ISSUE 9 / 2007


  • Teresa Skubalanka : More about Love Vocabulary in Polish

    Based on wide material from the 16th to the first part of the 19th century of words excerpted mainly from texts of Polish love poetry and sentimental romances, the author characterized two major groups of semantic connections, namely, connotations. The first group is formed by the meanings of metaphorical names, associated with ancient tradition (love – god, arrows, wounds, fire, disease etc.) and by the meanings of names associated with the notion of the medieval amor sacro (love – holiness, being angelic, service, slavery, perhaps struggle etc.). Another group of connotations includes the notions of love and feelings (experiences) that accompany it, sometimes identified with it (happiness, sadness, hope, memory etc.).

    Diachronic and nominative starting point in identification of typology of explored semantic relations allows us to make thorough characteristics of various functions of isolated words.

  • Maria Borejszo : About Names of Colors of Paints in Polish
    The subject of the article is names of paint colors used in the early 21st century Polish. The author distinguishes two groups of coloring lexis: 1) names included in dictionaries and 2) lexis occasionally used for defining colors (metaphors). The gathered material includes 373 names of colors, 166 of which are names traditionally used in this function (44,5%) while 207 are unique, new terms created temporarily to serve the needs of special trade offers (55,5%).
  • Aleksander Kiklewicz : The So-Called Attached Parts and Referential Status of Speech
    The subject of the author’s analysis is semantic structure (proportional or argumentative-predicative) of generic sentences, i.e. of general contents, describing constant states, qualities and characteristics. According to the described in the article concept, generalization of speech contents is accompanied by modification of its semantic structure, namely, its completion with higher level predicates. Changes in propositional structure also result in the change of the status of adiunctive syntactems, i.e. not accommodated by nuclear predicate (in the form of an inflected verb). On the one hand, such syntactems (usually in the form of adverbs) play compensational role – they compensate lack of some completions at nuclear predicate; on the other hand, they must be viewed as obligatory elements due to their completion status towards superior qualitative predicate (usually in the zero form).
  • Laura Polkowska : The Functions of Tautologies and Pleonasms in Contemporary Persuasive Speech
    The article deals with tautology and pleonasm – often considered as mistakes or linguistic errors. However, beside situations in which the sender uses them unconsciously, it must be assumed that they may have numerous, significant linguistic functions. First of all they often serve amplification aims – they highlight and enhance the most crucial thought included in speech. They may also make the text more precise or add a lofty tone or create a humorous effect. Apart from semantic functions, tautological and pleonastic structures have formal functions – they make the speech rhythmical and make it sound complete.
  • Marceli Olma : Development of Some Inflection Categories of Noun and Verb in a Less-than-5-Year-Old Child. Part II (Verb Inflection)
    The paper continues the research of the process of Polish language acquisition by children. It is based on the utterances of one child that were recorded regularly by her parents. Both parents have university education in Polish and they teach Polish language in a high school and at university. The author’s goal is to show the strategies and language behavior the child adopts, and the means she uses to play an effective part in their social life. The analyzed utterances viewed within a wide social context reveal the reasons of various peculiarities and fluctuations in the inflection of words and the child’s neologisms as well.
  • Wanda Pomianowska : Polish in Time and Space


  • Jolanta Mędelska : Danuta Jastrzębska-Golonka, Fonetyka wczoraj i dziś. Ewolucja wiedzy fonetycznej w opracowaniach i podręcznikach gramatyki dla szkół średnich okresu międzywojennego (na tle historii nauczania języka polskiego), Bydgoszcz 2004
  • Włodzimierz Moch : Maciej Czeszewski, Słownik polszczyzny potocznej, Warszawa 2006


  • Piotr Batko : On a Certain Mechanism of Semantic Melioration of Lexeme elita