Agnieszka Grażul-Luft

Józef Porayski-Pomsta, O rozwoju mowy dziecka. Dwa studia (On the development of speech in children. Two studies), ed. 2., Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA, Warsaw 2022.REVIEWS2/2023
A mentee or on the reception of a borrowing in Polish.EXPLANATIONS OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1/2023
On the semantic evolution of the word zdalny (remote) during the coronavirus pandemic.EXPLANATIONS OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS8/2020
What a start-up is not – on definitions of the internationalism in Polish.EXPLANATIONS OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS5/2019
Exotic superjedzenie (superfood) and Polish superfood – on internationalism of superfood in PolishEXPLANATIONS OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS5/2018