Halina Karaś

Ilustrowany leksykon gwary i kultury podhalańskiej (An illustated lexicon of the dialect and culture of Podhale) by Józef Kąś, vol. I–XII, 2015–2019.REVIEWS4/2023
Frequency as one of the determinants of diversifi cation of the Polish language in Lithuania (on the example of the dialects of the areas of Ignalina and Zarasai)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2018
Etymology in Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa’s scientific and popularisation achievementsARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2018
Dialectology as approached by Witold DoroszewskiARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2016
Rebirth or decline of the Polish language? On the position of Polish in the old Eastern BorderlandsARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2015
Prospects of Polish DialectologyARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2012
On the need to research the academic life at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Jan Karłowicz (1836–1903) as a driving force of „the intellectual movement” of that time. ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2012
Nineteen-century sub-dialectal glossaries as an object of linguistic research ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2012
Polskie słowniki gwarowe – dzieje, typologia, metody ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2010
Shifts in the Position of Polish in the Multi-Linguistic Kaunas Region in Lithuania in the 20th CenturyARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2008
Russian Dictionary Borrowings in Standard Polish - the Past and the PresentARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2007
Archaisms as Manifestations of Styling in Potop by Henryk Sienkiewicz ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2004
Linguistic Conceptualization of Feelings from the Group of FEAR Based on the Verbal-Nominal Structures ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2003
Profesor Stanisław Dubisz - w trzydziestolecie pracy naukowej i dydaktycznej7/2002