Agnieszka Mikołajczuk

The value of semantic reflection in teaching Polish language & literatureARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS9/2018
The linguistic worldview in the Polish language teaching versus teaching contents in the core curriculum and selected school handbooksARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2015
Genre models of the text written by students during their upper-secondary school final examination (in the context of the planned modernisation of the upper-secondary school final examination in Polish)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2013
Pragmatic-Stylistic Perspectives of a Reportage Analysis ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2009
Bibliography of Works by Professor Renata Grzegorczykowa Published in the Years 2001–20064/2007
How Much Joy Is in radość (Joy)? On the Models of „Joy-like” Feelings Associated with the Noun radość ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2007
Emotions within Language - Between Nature and Culture ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2004