Marta Chojnacka

Effective communication and plain language in the banking practice as a subject in the curriculum of Polish Studies.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2022
The expression Certyfikat „Super HoSpa” (“Super HoSpa” Certificate) and its role in shaping the image of palliative care in the modern medical discourse.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2021
Krystyna Waszakowa, Kognitywnokomunikacyjne aspekty słowotwórstwa. Wybrane zagadnienia opisu derywacji w języku polskim (Cognitive and communication aspects of word formation. Selected issues in the description of derivation in Polish), Warszawa 2017.REVIEWS4/2019
Ciamajdan, oszołomstwo, puczyści... Selected word formation phenomena in online comments on the actions of the Polish Parliamentary opposition in December 2016.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2019
A report from the academic seminar “Metodologie językoznawstwa V”REPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS3/2013
Comparative research on the linguistic conceptualisation of ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2012
The New Vision of Bachelorship. A Single Person as a Social and Linguistic PhenomenonEXPLANATIONS OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS9/2008