Wanda Decyk-Zięba

Out of a sense of civic duty. On Antoni Morzycki’s grammar book.POLISH GRAMMAR3/2023
The forgotten normative resolutions proposed by Walenty Szylarski.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2022
Orthography books by Kochanowski, Górnicki, and Januszowski compiled using a new Polish font (Ortografie Kochanowskiego, Górnickiego i Januszowskiego nowym karakterem polskim złożone).POLISH GRAMMAR10/2020
On the formation of the Polish grammatical terminology.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2020
Walenty Szylarski’s grammar as the enlightenment version of Franciscus à Mesgnien Meninski’s grammar.POLISH GRAMMAR10/2019
Zbiór rzeczy potrzebniejszych do wydoskonalenia się w ojczystym języku służących (A collection of what is most necessary to achieve excellence in the mother tongue) [1776] by Michał Dudziński as a source of knowledge of the north borderland Polish language.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2019
Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa’s studies of the Zagnańsk dialectARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2018
Wstyd dla Polaka nie umieć po polsku (What a shame for a Pole not to speak Polish) – Stanisław Kleczewski’s programme for mother tongue improvementPOLISH GRAMMAR8/2017
Poradnik językowy (Linguistic Guide) by Michał DudzińskiPOLISH GRAMMAR7/2017
(Im)proper language use in grammars books of Polish from the Age of EnlightenmentARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS2/2017
Uczebnik polskago jazyka (Guide to the Polish language) by Tomasz KurhanowiczPOLISH GRAMMAR6/2016
The history of „Poradnik Językowy” („The Linguistic Guide”) 1901–1939ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2016
Kazimierz Król (1853–1944)BIOGRAMS – EDITORS OF „PORADNIK JĘZYKOWY”3/2016
Początki nauk dla narodowej młodzieży... (Beginnings of studies for the national youth...) by Walenty Szylarski – the first grammar of the Polish language written in PolishPOLISH GRAMMAR9/2015
“Poradnik Językowy” (The Linguistic Guide) on-lineREPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS2/2015
Ortografia (Orthography) by Stanisław ZaborowskiPOLISH GRAMMAR5/2014
From the history of grammarsPOLISH GRAMMAR4/2014
Narty (skis) in the history of the Polish languageARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2013
Halina Pelcowa, Słownik gwar Lubelszczyzny (Dictionary of the Lublin region dialects), vol. I, Rolnictwo (Agriculture), Lublin 2012REVIEWS8/2013
A contribution to the history of Polish and East Slavonic language contacts (Ruthenian words in Kronika W. X. Moskiewskiego by Alexander Gwagnin, 1611)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2013
A memoire about Professor Halina Satkiewicz as a chief editor of “Poradnik Językowy”BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES AND MEMOIRS2/2013
Picture of Life and Culture of Kurpie Based on Preserved Vocabulary (from End of 19th Century to 1939). Project OutlineARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS8/2012
Professor Barbara Bartnicka (26 August 1927 – 4 November 2011) BIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES AND MEMOIRS2/2012
On names and people – an onomastic study (on the example of Wilczogęby village in the gmina of Sadowne) ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2012
Semantic classification of Polish place names: basic problems and resolutionsARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2011
Between the East and the West: the history of Russian toponyms in the Polish language until 1795ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2011
Extract from the Minutes of the General Assembly of Delegates of the Society of Language CultureREPORTS, NOTICES, POLEMICS2/2011
The vocabulary describing the look of people in the 18th-century geographical dictionairesARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2010
Poland and Moscow in the 17th Century in the Light of Geographic Names (Based on Diaries) ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2008
Russian Names in 18th Century Polish Geographic Literature ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2005
Słownik etymologiczno-motywacyjny staropolskich nazw osobowych. Cz. 7: Suplement. Rozwiązanie licznych zagadek staropolskiej antroponimii, pod red. Aleksandry Cieślikowej, Kraków 2002 REVIEWS2/2005
Elżbieta Sękowska, Dom [Słownictwo pism Stefana Żeromskiego, t.3], Kraków 2002 REVIEWS1/2004
Słownik języka polskiego XVII i 1. połowy XVIII wieku, t. 1, z. 1-4, Kraków 2002 REVIEWS7/2003
Historia zapisana w nazwach - o losie obcych nazw w języku polskim ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS7/2002