Józef Jaworski

The linguistic image of a Jacobin in journalistic texts from the late 18th centuryARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2013
The Lexeme wolność (Freedom) in Publicist Insurrection Texts (1794) ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2007
Slogans and Watchwords Used in the Period of Kosciuszko&s Insurrection (based on journalistic texts) ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS2/2007
The Lexis of Conspiracy in the Period of Kościuszko%s Uprising (Based on Journalistic Texts) ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS5/2006
Parenthetical Expressions in Journalistic Texts at the End of the 18th Century ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS2/2006
Leksem obywatel w tekstach publicystycznych końca XVIII wieku EXPLANATIONS OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1/2005