Jarosław Łachnik

The new lexis related to food: on the material of the Language Observatory of the University of Warsaw. An attempt to reconstruct the structure of a thematic field.ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS2/2022
Phenomena characteristic of the official style syntax – based on an analysis of the language of individual interpretations of the tax law (selected problems)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2015
How does the Capital of Poland Function? – Or an Analysis of Grammatical Mistakes in the Statute of the City of Warsaw ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2006
Grzegorz Dąbkowski, Małgorzata Marcjanik, Popularny słownik synonimów i antonimów, Warszawa 2002 REVIEWS3/2004
Iwona Burkacka: Porównawcza analiza gniazdowa wybranych leksemów neutralnych i nacechowanych ekspresywnie REVIEWS9/2003