Małgorzata Witaszek-Samborska

Krzysztof Skibski, Poezja jako iteratura. Relacje między elementami języka poetyckiego w wierszu wolnym (Poetry as iterature. Relations between elements of the poetic language in a free verse), Poznań 2017REVIEWS3/2018
The urban dialect of Poznań in the public domain as an instrument for reinforcing the sense of local identityARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS10/2016
Disappearing words and the urban dialect of PoznańARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2015
The linguistic image of the woman in the Poznań dialectARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2014
Permanence and changeability of a linguistic fashion – fi fty years after Danuta Buttler’s publicationARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2013
Intra-variety semantic derivation in the urban dialect (on the example of the Poznań lexis)ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS3/2013
Some New Meanings of Culinary Vocabulary in Contemporary Polish ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS6/2006
Names of Food in the Dictionary of Polish Language ed. by Mieczysław Szymczak and in the Universal Dictionary of Polish Language ed. by Stanisław Dubisz ARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS4/2006