Agnieszka Rosińska

Nadzwyczajni (the extraordinary) and totalni (the total) in the Polish public life. On the collocations nadzwyczajna kasta (the extraordinary caste) and totalna opozycja (the total opposition) coming from the language of politics.EXPLANATIONS OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1/2021
Nazywam się miś, tłusty miś (My name is bear, fat bear), or on modifications of phraseologisms in the contemporary press.EXPLANATIONS OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS4/2019
Lodowa wojna na górze (An icy war at the top), or on phraseologisms coined under the influence of news releases and on their modifications.EXPLANATIONS OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS3/2019
How Perfumes Are AdvertisedARTICLES AND DISSERTATIONS1/2004