Karolina Sykulska : The Language of Emotions - Phonic Means of Expression
The author deals with methodological and terminological issues associated with a description of the language of emotions. To illustrate the great meaning of the issues she offers her typology of the phonic expressive means - their division into phonatory, phonetic (articulatory) and phonotactic (prosodic) means. She ends up with a suggestion of arranging interdisciplinary researches aimed at solving numerous relevant issues.
Marta Nowosad-Bakalarczyk : Sex and Gender in Contemporary Job Advertisements
The author analyses ways of codifying information about sex and how the linguistic opposition masculine/feminine gender functions based on the natural opposition male/female sex in contemporary job advertisements. Her work is based on the material of 3000 offers.
Magdalena Derwojedowa,
Michał Rudolf : Is Burkina a Girl and what do their Royal Majesties Think about it or on Lexical Units of a Certain Type
The article contains a description of multi-element units of a kind, which because of morphological and syntactic qualities the authors are prone to consider as dictionary units, not syntactic structures or analytical word forms. It also shows that the same mechanism can be handy in a description of other self-contained wholes, like for example verb forms with morphological się, and that it can be used to describe a certain kind of discontinuity. The problem presented is accompanied by examples of analyses, implemented for a trial in an automatic syntactic analyzer.
Mariusz Rutkowski : Bułęsa with Balceron. On Depreciation of the Object of Denotation by Means of Deformation of a Name
The author focuses on particular kind of variants of names, resulting from a deliberate transformation of the standard from of the name, which show a negative attitude of the speaker to the object of denotation and are aimed at its symbolic depreciation. The analyzed material comes from the press, radio, television and Internet.
Jolanta Piwowar : On Contemporary Convival Polish
The article, based on the material obtained from survey research, presents language used by participants of convivial meetings in the precisely defined situation - drinking alcohol (the way to call the activity of drinking, its consequences, nouns denoting alcohol and its kinds, toast phrases, expressions encouraging to drinking etc.). As the research revealed, the unique feature of this variation of Polish is its universal character (lack of clear social and professional differentiation).