ISSUE 1 / 2007


  • Mariola Wołk : Do We Say, Saying powiedzmy (Let&s Say)?
    Powiedzmy is a unit of language that differs from the imperative form (powiedzmy=let's tell) of identical shape. Out of two forms of powiedzmy in: O nagrodzie powiedzmy mu od razu, powiedzmy, przed zebraniem (Let's tell him immediately about the reward, let's say, before the meeting), I'm only interested in the second, parenthetical powiedzmy, preceeded and followed by a coma. It is the parenthetical function of powiedzmy that is the major concern of the present paper, which focuses mainly on semantic and pragmatic problems. The expression powiedzmy, which has been selected out of other units of identical form or units constituted by powiedzmy, is being examined in detail from the semantic point of view, in order to answer the question stated in the title of this article. As the result of the analysis concerning the meaning of powiedzmy, the author presents a preliminary explication of this expression.
  • Magdalena Stec : Conceptualization of the Notion ILLNESS in the Polish Language
    The article shows semantic changes that took place among a group of lexemes connected with the notion ILLNESS and it shows the method by which the notion is conceptualized. There are a few highlighted domains in the notion of ILLNESS in the Polish language of the 16th century, some of them are [PAIN], [CRY], [WEAKNESS], [THINNESS], [DEATH]. Some metaphors are based on this notion: ILLNESS is a CONTAINER, ILLNESS is a CAPTIVITY, ILLNESS is a SIN, ILLNESS is a PUNISHMENT. In the further material ILLNESS gets a new shape, it is perceived as a SWEARWORD.
  • Piotr Tomaszewski, Paweł Rosik : Non-manual Signals and Single Sentences in Polish Sign Language: the Face Grammar
    Some observers consider non-manual behaviors in Polish Sign Language (PSL) as only to %express emotions'. The review of the major findings of linguistic research on the non-manual components of PSL shows that PSL grammar not only relies on space, hand shape and movement, but it my also be expressed by non-manual signals - signer's face, head, torso, and eye. These behaviors play important linguistic roles in creating manual sentences. The authors' study illustrates how different combinations of non-manual components signal different kinds of single sentences: (1) general questions, (2) detailed questions, (3) negated statements, (4) negated questions, (5) asserted statements, (6) sentences with topical segments, and (6) commands.



  • Magdalina Mitrewa : Polska polityka komunikacyjnojęzykowa wobec wyzwań XXI wieku, pod red. Stanisława Gajdy, Andrzeja Markowskiego, Józefa Porayskiego-Pomsty, Warszawa 2005
  • Marzena Guz : Dorota Piekarczyk, Kwiaty we współczesnym językowym obrazie świata, Lublin 2004


  • Jadwiga Latusek : The Bibliography of Polish Linguistic Works Published in the Year 2005