ISSUE 9 / 2011


  • Józef Porayski-Pomsta : The development of the vocabulary of children at the pre-school age. The overview of standpoints
    This article presents the overview of standpoints related to the research on the vocabulary of children at the pre-school age. Particular attention is drawn to two issues: 1. psychological, cognitive and social considerations of the acquisition and development of active and passive vocabulary by the child, 2. chronological stratification of the child’s vocabulary. The article constitutes an overview. Standpoints of researchers, especially Polish, on the considerations of the child’s vocabulary development and layers concerned with systematic vocabulary expansion are quoted.
  • Marzena Stępień : Why the speech and language therapist needs linguistics or how the child acquires flection and how linguists may help comprehend this process

    The aim of this article is to verify the hypothesis that the sequence and manner of acquiring individual components forming the morphological subsystem of language (flection) by the child is connected with syntagmatic and pragmatic relations which occur between the components of this system. Identifying such correlations is important for determining the so-called development standard with reference to language acquisition.

    The input material for the analysis is constituted by relevant chapters from the work by M. Smoczyńska (1986) as well as by P. Smoczyński (1955) and M. Zarębina (1965, 1994) devoted to the acquisition of the morphological subsystem by the child. The data obtained from these publications are compared to the information presented in Gramatyka współczesnego języka polskiego. Morfologia (1998).

    The article presents general conclusions concerned with the flection subsystem. The category of case, in turn, is discussed in more detail. The text is an introduction to the detailed analysis of flection categories presented in the paper titled Zagadki fleksji, czyli jak dziecko opanowuje kategorie werbalne i nominalne [Misteries of flection or how the child acquires verbal and nominal categories], which will be published in issue LXII of „Prace Filologiczne”.

  • Elżbieta Sadowska : Communication disorders in autism – the basic difficulties in speech and language diagnosis and therapy
    The aim of this article is to present characteristic communication disorders in autism and to signal the basic difficulties in the speech and language diagnosis and therapy of children belonging to this group. The most important findings related to the discussed disorder with particular attention given to communication disorders, which are considered one of the main symptoms of autism, are presented and the influence thereof on the speech and language therapy of the child is analysed.
  • Natalia Siudzińska : What is pathological and articulatory phonetics (pathophonetics)?
    In the literature devoted to speech pathology issues the term pathological and articulatory phonetics (pathophonetics) is interpreted in a variety of manners. Speech therapists usually define pathophonetics as a branch of phonetics involved in researching the spoken language phenomena which are non-compliant with the standard while disregarding phonology. The aim of the article is to demonstrate the phenomena being the object of pathophonetic research and to specify how this field is related to articulatory phonetics and phonology of the Polish language.
  • Maria Przybysz-Piwko : The impermanence of the phonetic and phonological as well as graphic representation of words in motor aphasia and speech underdevelopment of cortical origin in the light of speech and language diagnosis and therapy
    The author points to the impermanence of the phonetic and phonological as well as graphic representation of words in people suffering from motor aphasia and in children suffering from speech underdevelopment of cortical origin. She explains its sources: firstly, the damage concerns the same area of the cerebral cortex; secondly, the lack of stability of linguistic structures as a sequence of phonemes and graphemes; thirdly, the lack of cortical motor patterns of these structures. Motor patterns are disintegrated in the case of people with aphasia, and they are incapable of developing in the case of children with speech underdevelopment of cortical origin. Quantity and quality changes of the word syntagm (the phonetic and phonological as well as graphic structure of words), described in the relevant literature as: sound/phonemic paraphasia/substitution, deformation, elision, epenthesis, are manifestations of disorders related to speech programming mechanisms. The comprehensive speech pathology examination oriented on determining the pathomechanism of language disorders as well as the course and effects of speech and language therapy constitute the basis for considering the impermanence of words in people who have lost their speech (aphasia) and those who have not acquired it (speech underdevelopment of cortical origin called childhood aphasia) in the same research perspective.
  • Anna Dudek, Krzysztof Szamburski : Interdental pronunciation as a development standard
    The view that the interdental pronunciation of dentalised sounds, the so-called „three rows”, is permanent in nature is popular among speech and language therapists. This principle is supposed to refer also to small children. The conducted research proved that this conviction is not true. A significant number of 3- and 4-year-old children pronounce dentalised sounds in the interdental manner, whereas this phenomenon occurs much less frequently among 5- and 6-year-old children. The age of four is critical for proper realisation of these sounds. The above statement is extremely important in planning speech and language therapy for pre-school children.


  • Helena Sojka-Masztalerz : Report from the scientific conference „Slavus sum et nihil slavici a me alienam esse puto”. Władysław Nehring – a scholar, editor, teacher. Wrocław, 20–21 October 2010
  • Małgorzata B. Majewska : New prospects in teaching Polish as a foreign language, Toruń 2011




  • Jadwiga Latusek : Overview of the Polish linguistic works and magazines published in 2010