This paper presents the level of speech and language acquisition by two children with brain-related developmental disorders. Such children, despite proper physical hearing as well as cognitive and emotional and social development, have difficulties acquiring speech and language spontaneously and naturally from the beginning of their development. These are children with alalia type disorders, with speech underdevelopment of cortical origin (with aphasic type speech underdevelopment). I make a comparison of the speech and language development level recorded in the case of such children at the beginning of the process of therapy and later at its various stages. My intention is to present changes in the tested children’s linguistic competence development based on the collected linguistic material.
In the case where disorders of cortical origin have been found, the prognosis of speech and language development depends on various factors. It is always a process where the mutual influence of the disintegration mechanism and proper speech development is visible.
In the presented examples, the extraordinariness of children’s utterances consists in confusion of what results from poor reception with what the child knows thoroughly, in certain “cunningness” and a conviction that another person (the listener/receiver) does not know about the strategy chosen by the child, and finally in unfamiliarity with meanings of the presented words in the context used by the child.
It should be noted that, from the viewpoint of some researchers, children make mistakes here. I believe, however, that due to the fact that children create language unconsciously and that they are at the stage of language acquisition and improvement, children cannot be accused of irregularities, since they do not yet know all systemic and communicative irregularities. Their utterances simply amuse listeners although children do not know why.