ISSUE 6 / 2003


  • Mariola Wołk : An Attempt to Define Reference Capacity of the Phrases ogłoszenie, obwieszczenie, zawiadomienie, komunikat (Advertisement, Announcement, Notification, Statement)
    The article contains a description of the phrases ogłoszenie, obwieszczenie, zawiadomienie and komunikat. They function within a sentence either as gerunds naming the acts of speech, or as nouns referring to specific objects - texts. The author's aim is to find - based on syntactic analysis of the phrases being discussed here - an answer to the question, what conditions have to be met not to let the identification of two different issues, like a text and an act of speech happen, which similar-shaped phrases refer to. Any text whatsoever is an outcome of a certain linguistic action, or in other words an act of speech. But not every act of speech can be called a text.
  • Marek Ruszkowski : The Length of Speech and the Degree of its Subjection as a Stylistic Indicator of Text Characteristics
    The author explains the usefulness of a device, namely the S indicator, which is a relation between length of speech, measured by the number of components, and the degree of its subjection (height), expressed in the number of levels occurring in it, for syntactic-stylistic researches. The indicator's value may serve specifying the style of different texts as well as individual style and functional styles. The explanation is based on the analysis of texts of 51 authors and data gathered by other researchers.
  • Katarzyna Dróżdż-Łuszczyk : On Classification of the Linguistic Units: the Phrase jeden z (one of)
    The object of the author's interest is the issue of attachment of the phrase jeden z as a separate linguistic unit to any of the parts of speech. She studies its individual qualities suggesting its attachment to the category of numerals, adjectives and nouns. Finally she considers adoption of Andrzej Bogusławski's idea of describing certain phrases as classifiers.
  • Iwona Kaproń-Charzyńska : The Introductory Characteristics of Derivates Connected with a Reductive Formant
    The subject of the article is the characteristics of compound words which are formed by the use of a reductive element, like eurointegracja (europejska + integracja) (euro-integration from European integration), or gimbus (gimnazjum + autobus) (gim-bus from gymnasium bus), which functions as a morphological formant or one of formants. In contemporary Polish they are an expansive group, they are a sign of the times, in which the tendency to economize the language dominates its development.
  • Radosław Marcinkiewicz : Lepper, lepperiada, lepperyzmy (Lepper, Lepperiade,Lepperisms)
    The article is devoted to a review of types of semantic, structural-semantic and phraseological derivates of surnames, which is a still vivid process in contemporary Polish. The author provides an illustration of the statement mainly by texts coming from media, more than 100 various neologisms derived from the surname of a well known Polish politician - Andrzej Lepper.


  • Stanisław Drewniak : Jan Miodek, Słownik ojczyzny polszczyzny, ed. by Monika Zaśko-Zielińska, Tomasz Piekot, Wrocław 2002
  • Wilga Herman : Wybrane zagadnienia edukacji polonistycznej, pod red. Henryka Kurczaba, Urszuli Kopeć i Elżbiety Kozłowskiej, Rzeszów 2002
  • Jerzy Molas : Snježana Kordić, Rije9ci na granici punozna9cnosti, Zagreb 2002


  • Feminine Suffixes of Surnames Like Nowak, Mickiewicz, Zaręba
  • About Polish in Official Documents
  • Two Word Adjectives