ISSUE 6 / 2007

  • The Year of Polish Language


  • Halina Zgółkowa : Cognitivist and Pragmalinguistic Analysis of Certain Names of Values
    The article presents an analysis of 100-word speeches of young Polish language users (students aged 15-25) on relations between values defined with lexemes pieniądz (money) and miłość (love). H. Balzak's sentence Money gives everything, even the love of children was a hint for them. Defining preliminaries of both lexemes have been excerpted from the speeches. The respondents' defining attempts may be used in lexicographic practice (especially in works based on the cognitivist or pragmalinguistic approach), but also in detailed research on the language of values and in psycholinguistic works. Apparently, there is a connection between emotional characteristics, illocu-axiological value and the stricte semantic meaning.
  • Dorota Żuchowska, Maria Portniagina : Polish and Russian Phraseologies of Biblical Origins
    The presented study features Polish and Russian phraseologies originated from the Bible. In the study, those with identical or similar meaning in both languages are presented. They have been divided into enunciations, expressions and phrases. The authors, quoting phraseologies, are elucidating them along with listing the sources (including entries), that they were using. The article is finished with a short comparison about using quoted phraseologies in Polish and Russian.
  • Piotr Wojdak : Lexeme Functional Paradigm versus Formal Paradigm - Difficult Relations
    In the view of the semiotic concept of inflectional paradigms developed by R. Laskowski (Morfologia 1998) - perceived as a synthesis of functional and formal paradigms - this article offers an independent look at noun paradigms (primarily functional ones) with regard to both the semantic number and the syntactic number (opinions on countable pluralia tantum such as nożyczki are divergent) as well as an independent look at the formal paradigm with regard to the case and the number (which leads to an increase in the defectiveness threshold on account of the case and the exclusion of paradigms like museum). The implications between particular types of functional and formal paradigms are not bilaterally symmetrical: the formal paradigm is "determined" by the functional one rather than the other way around. The most incomplete functional paradigm (the so-called fragmentary paradigm, not discussed in Morfologia, e.g. dzięki, ręku) must correspond to the complete formal paradigm, whilst the most defective formal paradigm, i. e. the zero paradigm, does not converge only with the fragmentary paradigm. As a result of this functional and formal asymmetry of inflectional paradigms, the range of formal paradigms is limited to an undesirable circular sequence: the zero paradigm "borders" on the complete paradigm for the latter one can only comprise one textual form, too.
  • Hanna Komorowska : Teaching Materials Design versus Linguistic and Intercultural Competence in Foreign Language Teaching (based on the Polish course-book by M. Majewska-Meyers)
    The article gives an overview of trends in foreign language teaching materials design with special emphasis on ways of developing language proficiency and intercultural competence. The development of both concepts is here analyzed against the background of dynamically changing communicative needs and the linguistic policy of the Council of Europe and the European Union. Implications are then sought for FLT materials design and an analysis follows typical difficulties and shortcomings in course-book content and structure. Criteria for materials design are discussed as built around the theory of language status and range based on a distinction between languages taught as linguae francae and those taught as non-international languages as well as around the assumptions connected with the relation of language and culture in language teaching. Efficient and educationally valuable solutions are then presented as demonstrated in M. Majewska-Meyers's course-book for the learning of Polish as a foreign language to self-learning adult German speakers.
  • Marta Piasecka : Unification of Defining Vocabulary Based on Selected Verb Definitions from Słownik języka polskiego (Polish Language Dictionary) Edited by M. Szymczak
    The article presents an attempt to unify defining vocabulary which belongs to the lexical classes of verbs and nouns, and which is used in Słownik języka polskiego edited by M. Szymczak (1998). The analysis has used the electronic version of the dictionary - Komputerowy słownik języka polskiego (1998), where 1069 verb definitions have been excerpted from. It aimed at decreasing the capacity of rare vocabulary and increasing the amount of frequently used one - theme words - by changing lexemes into their hyperonyms according to the principle of defining series formation or by their replacement with synonymous lexemes, as an additional method. The article presents the issue related to statistic linguistics. It reports on the way of frequency of vocabulary usage list formation and the way of division into frequent and rare vocabulary. Then, it describes methods of rare vocabulary reduction and presents figures resulting from unification of the vocabulary. In conclusion, there are initial and final lists of frequent vocabulary.


  • Elżbieta Sękowska : Język - wartości - polityka. Zmiany rozumienia nazw wartości w okresie transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce. Raport z badań empirycznych, red. Jerzy Bartmiński, Lublin 2006
  • Anna Wiśniewska : Agnieszka Mielczarek, Język prezenterów radiowych, Poznań 2005