ISSUE 2 / 2006


  • Jadwiga Stawnicka : The Initial Verbs in Polish (Verbs with the Prefix za-)
    The paper presents the characteristics of the verbs with the prefix za- that describe the initial phase of actions in contemporary Polish. There is no agreement among linguists as to the characteristics of the initial verbs. The author presents her own classification of the initial verbs with the prefix za- in Polish and tries to describe the relations between the lexical semantics of the initial verbs and the context. Each class is illustrated by examples from Polish.
  • Katalin Török : Vocabulary of Hungarian Origin in Contemporary Polish
    The analysis of the survey reveals that the number of vocabulary of Hungarian origin in contemporary Polish, which is common or relatively known, is about 40. It is mainly historical, old or archaic. It generally belongs to the passive lexical resources of the Polish. It is usually nouns, most of which are associated with the army, shepherding and Hungarian traditional clothes. Some of them bring about Hungarian local air.
  • Zuzanna Jakubowska : The Critical Comparative Analysis of Selected Dictionaries (Based on the Study on Internationalisms)
    The aim of the article is to compare various monolingual and bilingual dictionaries of Polish, English, German, Spanish and Portuguese (15 in total) and to analyze their structure. The author, who is studying a question of verbal internationalisms present in these languages, seeks to show how the entry structure influences the work with a given dictionary, giving examples of both advantageous and disadvantageous formal solutions applied by lexicographers. At first the difference between monolingual and bilingual dictionaries is explained and chosen dictionaries are presented. Then the author compares the verb adopt (and its equivalents) throughout all of the books, paying special attention to those aspects of the entry structure that may cause problems to a potential user, e.g. the lack of qualifiers or examples of usage, unclear division into sub-entries, inadequate definitions etc. The conclusion of the paper is that very often lexicographers neglect their own work and forget that the proper, user-friendly’ form of a dictionary is almost as important as its contents.
  • Józef Jaworski : Parenthetical Expressions in Journalistic Texts at the End of the 18th Century
    The author deals with the concept of parenthetical remarks, parentheses. He presents parenthetical expressions through journalistic texts published at the end of the 18th century, focusing primarily on their form and textual functions. The analysis of numerous examples from source texts facilitates the reader’s understanding of the ideas presented.
  • Ewa Kołodziejek : On New and Old Names of Cigarettes
    The article contains a description of names of cigarettes, from different points of view, e.g. Polish and foreign names, formal and informal ones, standard and colloquial ones. It also analyses the processes, which the names undergo (e.g. transonymization and onymization), their allusiveness, expressiveness and playfulness. She points out to international character of contemporary chrematonyms, inability to translate them and the fact that they constitute an open set, as a symptom of changes typical of new language and culture reality.
  • Antonina Grybosiowa : Feminist Reinterpretations of the Linguistic Picture of the World of the Polish
    The author, referring to the lately published paper by J. Szpyra-Kozłowska and M. Karwatowska Linguistics of Sex. She and He in Polish, indicates various difficulties, formal and common, in introduction of symmetry in linguistic picture of both sexes in Polish. She points out that it is not just names and grammar which determines the social status of the contemporary Polish woman, but features of the society which meet the demands of the 21st century.



  • Kwiryna Handke : The Report of the Works by Committee of Language Culture TNW in 2005


  • Daniel Bartosiewicz : Słowo – myśl – działanie. Towarzystwo Kultury Języka i jego prezesi, pod red. Wandy Decyk-Zięby i Józefa Porayskiego-Pomsty, Warszawa 2004
  • Beata K. Jędryka : Języki mniejszości i języki regionalne. Pamięci Profesora Zdzisława Stiebera, zasłużonego badacza języków mniejszościowych i pogranicz językowych, w stulecie urodzin, pod red. Elżbiety Wrocławskiej i Jadwigi Zieniukowej, Warszawa 2003