ISSUE 6 / 2008


  • Tomasz Nowak : On the Content Capacity of Verbs Including Elements argumentować and uargumentować
    The expression from the title has not been an object of a deeper linguistic reflection so far. The author of the paper aims at a precise description of lexical units including the elements argumentować and uargumentować (to give arguments), their morphology and meaning, in particular. The applied method of analysis consists in stating hypotheses in the form of analytical implications and checking their correctness by forming contradictions. The study begins with a critical reflection on the contemporary state of knowledge. The author suggests his own solutions referring to the research results on predicates of thought and speech. The content of the paper focuses on issues associated with reconstruction of the forms of lexical units (based on segmental and supra-segmental signals) as well as reconstruction of semantic components’ hierarchy. The following notions are analyzed here: %wiedzieć’ (to know), %mówić’ (to speak), %chcieć’ (to want) and %powodować’ (to cause). The author attempts to prove that these elements belong to the semantic structure of the expression under discussion. He also offers an introductory explication of meanings in the notions of the natural semantic meta-language.
  • Aleksander Kiklewicz : Axiological Modality in an Artistic Text (Based on Evaluation of Characters in the Novel by Barbara Kosmowska Teren prywatny (The Private Territory)
    The article includes an analysis of the category of valuation, which, according to the functional syntactic theory, is viewed as a kind of interpretational semantics, namely as axiological modality. The author presents a classification of valuation types (ethical, practical, social, esthetic, cognitive and hedonistic), he describes areas of axiological semantics realization, its position in a sentence structure and means of manifestation. Based on B. Kosmowska’s novel “Teren prywatny”, he studies realization of axiological modality in the texts of feminist literature. By comparison of axiological portraits of individual characters in the novel, the author comes to the conclusions that, firstly, differences between positive and negative valuations in the group of female and male characters are quite small, which indicates other valuation factors – social, cultural, emotional. Secondly, ethical and esthetic valuation is predominant, of which the former is mostly (93%) negative, while the latter (66%) – positive.
  • Krystyna Bojałkowska : The Use of Forms like oglądawszy, zjedząc in Contemporary Polish
    The article concerns the use of forms like oglądawszy, which are derived by addition of -wszy, -łszy morpheme to the roots of imperfective verbs, and the forms like zjedząc, derived by addition of -ąc morpheme to the roots of perfective verbs. Such derivation is wrong according to the contemporary linguistic norm. The author has been encouraged to carrying out the research by growing frequency of their use, particularly in texts appearing on the Internet, created by young Polish language users.
  • Ewa Kaptur : Names of Contemporary Cosmetics

    The subject of the article is names of Polish modern cosmetics. The author analyses and describes some new vocabulary, which we can find in women’s periodicals and on the Internet. The source material comes from 2007. The study has resulted in general observation that the vocabulary is quite varied. Combinations of different kinds of neologisms and borrowings constitute the greater part of all types of linguistic innovation.

    Cosmetic concerns create new, sometimes very interesting names, which can attract attention of potential customers, e.g. krem S.O.S usuwający oznaki zmęczenia i stresu (S.O.S cream erasing signs of tiredness and stress) or kosmetyczny “mikrozastrzyk” z efektem push-up do wypełniania zmarszczek i bruzd (cosmetic micro-injection with push-up effect to fill in wrinkles and lines).

  • Patrycja Cieśla : Jargon Vocabulary of the Museum of Warsaw Uprising Staff

    Professional sociolect is a kind of environmental dialect, which %functions in a social group because of its professional connections’. Sociolects occur in every society and are important determinants of in-group belonging.

    The Museum of Warsaw Uprising is a relatively new institution, thus the jargon of the staff has not fully developed, yet.

    The guides’ nicknames derive from various sources in the institution. Most of them refer to physical or mental features; there are also names-abbreviations, vague names, those associated with female names, allusive names and those derived from surnames. They are associated with events which took place at work and are understood only by a limited group of people – the staff of the museum, as opposed to the rest of people, who cannot understand them.

    Their language is greatly determined by time factors, connected with language used during World War II and Warsaw Uprising. Neo-semantisms referring to that period are very frequent. There are also interesting neologisms in the vocabulary used at the museum. Phrasal expressions enrich the language in particular, while the phrases acquire an emotional-expressive aspect. Connected with the museum, they show how it functions and characterize activities done in the institution. The expressions include the verb (to have) and concern the exposition, while the phrases refer to the building itself, or its rooms.

    The vocabulary is certainly going to develop in accordance to the institution and the area.

  • Katarzyna Pardej : Introduction of Sociolinguistic Parameters to Dialectological Research
    The following article describes some kinds of dialectological research – linguistic geography, structural linguistics, statistic (quantitative) approach, which have given way to dialectological studies in the sociolinguistic approach. The article indicates a necessity to introduce sociolinguistic parameters, determining linguistic variantivity, i.e. the age, territorial and social origins of a language user, the type of job performed, education level, formal and informal communicative situation, geographic layout of the town inhabited by the group being researched and media accessibility.


  • Bożena Witosz : Ewa Jędrzejko, Składnia. Style. Teksty. Składniowe aspekty zróżnicowania i przemian polszczyzny XX wieku, Katowice 2005


  • Dorota Połowniak-Wawrzonek : Phrases ktoś wstąpił versus wszedł z kimś w szranki, ktoś stanął z kimś w szranki versus w szrankach in Contemporary Polish