Elżbieta Sękowska : Linguistics and related sciences
The development of linguistic trends applying the methodology of related sciences resulted in the crystallisation of multiple subdisciplines, where language is examined in the social, cultural and psychological context. The perception of language as an instrument of cognition and evaluation is dominant in these streams, and lexical concepts are described as a part of the cognitive structure. Language and its products (texts) are analysed with the specificity of each communicative community taken into consideration.
Władysław Lubaś : On the Polish language policy
The paper presents an overview of the Polish research on the language policy / language planning since the 1960s to the modern times, with a particular emphasis on the theoretical bases of this subdiscipline of sociolinguistics and discussing the subject matter in question. Relations between the interests of the language policy and the proper language use in the research practice are also determined. A characteristic feature of the earlier period for language planning in Poland was a concern for ensuring precise principles of standardising the Polish language in theory, and a concern for cultural education with respect to the usage in practice, and for a more recent period – during and after the transformations of the political system – providing legal bases for the existence of the national language and warranting linguistic rights to minorities (The Act on the Polish language of 1999; The Act on national and ethnic minorities and the regional language of 2005). A forecast concerning the status of the Polish language, when the Polish language policy will be adjusted to the European idea of multilingualism and localness, is also provided.
Jerzy Molas : The history of language and the linguistic tradition (on a Polish and Croatian example)
This paper presents a thesis on the lack of influence of a historiosophical reflection in the research on the history of the Polish language and on the failure to account for the most recent debates held in the social sciences concerning the nature of national communities and the notion of nationalism. Next, the author defines the notion of the linguistic tradition as elements of the linguistic past (described and examined by the history of language), which are – for certain reasons – significant from the contemporary perspective of a given linguistic community. A comparison of the rank, specificity and function of the history of the Polish language and the Croatian linguistic tradition is provided in the second part of the paper.
Ryszard Tokarski : Scripts in the semantic description of the system and the text
The paper refers to the notion of conceptual frameworks in accordance with Charles J. Fillmore’s approach. It is an attempt to demonstrate how cultural, social and moral changes contribute to modifications in the conceptual frameworks established in language. The overlap of two conceptual frameworks of a „religious event” and a „social event” on the initial conceptual framework of a „commercial event” is documented on the example of Ryszard Kapuściński’s published notes.
Stanisław Gajda : Integrative stylistics
Stylistics is concerned with the functional language. It was constituted at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, distancing from and at the same time continuing the rhetorical traditions. The end of the 20th century threatened stylistics with „death” – its place was taken by new subdisciplines and research orientations which occurred after subsequent turns: pragmatic, textual and discursive, cognitive, and cultural. The time of stylistics without stylistics came. The revival of stylistics is related to the need to integrate the dispersed knowledge on the language in use and the vitality of the notion and the term style. A new holistic concept of style replacing old unilateral (elocutionary) approaches thereto is being crystallised. It encourages broadening the scope of the traditional category of stylistic device, which begins to include all (linguistic and non-linguistic) text-forming devices. It also permits a more thorough approach to new and traditionally distinguished styles. This requires referring to the interdisciplinary complexity science, which applies among others the systems theory, the network theory and the chaos theory. Stylistics has a future.
Władysław T. Miodunka : The interdisciplinary nature of the Polish glottodidactics
The author precedes the discussion on the interdisciplinary nature of the Polish glottodidactics with a demonstration of the transformations of applied linguistics in teaching Polish as a foreign language towards Polish glottodidactics. Studies in applied linguistics have been published since 1960s and are summarised by two volumes published in 1992: Język polski jako obcy. Programy nauczania na tle badań współczesnej polszczyzny [Polish as a foreign language. Curricula against the background of the contemporary Polish language] and Vademecum lektora języka polskiego [The Polish language teacher handbook].
Although the reference to glottodidactics occurred for the first time in the paper by J. Lewandowski of 1979, the subject matter related to the methods of teaching Polish as a foreign language by the research postulated by glottodidactics was broadened at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The interdisciplinary nature of the Polish glottodidactics is perceived by the author similarly to W. Wilczyńska and A. Michońska-Stadnik in Metodologia badań w glottodydaktyce [Research methods in glottodidactics] (2010), who write about the relations of glottodidactics with: 1) communication sciences, linguistics, sociolinguistics and social psychology, and with: 2) pedagogy, didactics, cognitive science and psycholinguistics. While the sciences from the former group answer how communication in a foreign (second) language proceeds, the sciences from the latter demonstrate how communication competence in a foreign (second) language is formed. The author also discusses briefly the studies in Polish glottodidactics taking up new glottodidactic research topics.
Anna Dąbrowska : Składniowa konstrukcja dysmorficzna [dysmorphic syntactic structure] as a comprehensive error
The paper discusses one of the more difficult issues of the Polish glottodidactics, namely incorrect and complex syntactic structures formed by foreigners learning Polish as a foreign language. The examples illustrating this phenomenon have been obtained from a corpus of errors made by foreigners including several thousand items. The term składniowa konstrukcja dysmorficzna [dysmorphic syntactic structure] (SKD) is introduced for the analysed group of failures and its characteristics (incorrect utterance structure, semantic disorders, incorrect grammatical form of constituents, incorrect government, violation of agreement, violation of the principles of semantic connectivity, incorrect use of lexemes) are defined. An utterance with multiple errors, which is not, however, SKD, is also presented. Steps necessary to improve this syntactic complex error are also discussed in the text.