Antonina Grybosiowa : Is the German Opposition Heimat//Vaterland Translatable into Polish?
The article is a reflection concerning lack of the lexical unit in Polish, equivalent to the German word Heimat, with its analogical connotations. The reason for this phenomenon can be sought in different cultural conditions which have created the history of Polish and German societies. The term mała ojczyzna (little fatherland), which is more and more often used in Polish, is semantically closest to the German word.
Andrzej Moroz : The Structural Classification Project of Syntactic Structures Including the Zero Manifestation of a Component Used in the Context
The article contains an analysis of the structure with the zero manifestation of a component used in the context. It leads to the conclusion that despite the common creation procedure, namely the principle of a single usage of a given component, the method of an empty word identification is different. Thus it can be assumed that from the structural point of view, it is best to classify units according to the pattern described in the article, i.e. by distinction into four classes. Thus distinguished groups allow the fullest and most universal description of the analyzed structures.
Dagmara Bałabaniak : Distribution of Adverbs wysoce and wysoko in the Meaning of High Degree
The paper is devoted to comparative characterization of the distribution of two Polish adverbs: wysoce (highly) and wysoko (high, highly) in the point of their possible synonymy. The starting point for the analysis is the assumption that the word wysoko is polysemous (on the grounds of lexicographic definitions) and one of its meanings is high degree of a feature. In the course of the analysis, the author rejects the hypothesis on synonymy of wysoko and wysoce and inclines to the thesis on univocal character of the word wysoko.
Dorota Krystyna Rembiszewska : Topical Vocabulary in 20th Century Lexicographic Analyses
The text is a review of selected lexicographic analyses (both Polish and foreign), in which the distinction criterion is topical areas resulting from the concept of semantic areas.
The concept is used to mark the universal as well as to define the unique sets of names, characterizing a given social or regional variation of the language.
Division according to topical areas is in works covering all language systems (e.g. literary French), subsystems of regional variations (e.g. some Polish and Slovakian dialects) and certain disciplines (fauna and flora).
There are also examples of mathematical set applications in bilingual dictionaries, which have didactic function, making foreign language learning easier.
A closer look at semantic areas in analyses of general language, its social variations and dialects proves different ways of world perception by means of language.
Anna Jakubowska : Pride in Upper-Lusatian Phraseology and Paroemiology
The article presents the picture of pride and of a proud man in Upper-Lusatian phraseology and paroemiology. Pride is understood here as conceit, insolence and excessive self-love. A proud man described in Upper-Lusatian phrases has a specific appearance and behavior.
Pride is identified with stupidity, is contrary to moral values – it comes from devil and is unbearable to angels. Phraseology and paroemiology often reveal national stereotypes or contain some instructions and advice about future behavior.
Upper-Lusatian phrasals and proverbs often result from human observation of the surrounding world and in a way they also create reality by themselves.
Jolanta Kowalewska-Dąbrowska,
Stanisław Dąbrowski : „Nobody Says So”, or on Two Ways of Interrogations about Intriguing Particles in a Piece of Poetry. A Parellel
The article is created to build a vivid (but not evaluating) contrast between two approaches (i.e. literary and linguistic ones) to the examination of structure and meaning, included in stylistic poetic idiomatic analysis of linguistic micro-clusters. An example of the first approach is the quotation of Adam Poprawa’s remarks on Krystyna Miłobędzka’s phrasal construct mów się (speak itself), whereas the other is our analysis of Wisława Szymborska’s phrasal construct patrzą we wszystko im jedno (they are looking at it is all the same to them).