Magdalena Zabielska : Pacjenci z… / u pacjentów z… / w przebiegu COVID-19… (Patients with... / in patients with... / in COVID-19...): discursive analysis of Polish specialised medical publications on coronavirus.Download article
Marta Falkowska : What is an empathetic doctor like? The view of doctor’s empathy in opinions published on the article
Marta Chojnacka : The expression Certyfikat „Super HoSpa” (“Super HoSpa” Certificate) and its role in shaping the image of palliative care in the modern medical discourse.Download article
Milena Wojtyńska-Nowotka : K. Kłosińska, M. Rusinek, Dobra zmiana, czyli jak się rządzi światem za pomocą słów (The good change or how to rule the world with words), Kraków 2019.Download article