Wanda Decyk-Zięba : Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa’s studies of the Zagnańsk dialect
Dialectology was a secondary area of K. Długosz-Kurczabowa’s scientific interests and yet it was an extremely important field to her for personal reasons. She began her academic adventure with her Master’s thesis titled Porównanie dwóch wsi małopolskich w zakresie morfologii i słownictwa (A comparison of two Lesser Polish villages in terms of morphology and lexis) [1962]. One of them was her home village – Zagnańsk (Kielce Powiat), while the other –
Książnice Wielkie (Kazimierza Wielka Powiat). She had not returned to the long-abandoned dialectological research until the beginning of the 21st century. Its aim was to demonstrate the changes which had occurred in the Zagnańsk dialect over the past half century. The trend for integrating the dialect with the colloquial variant of standard Polish was found the most fundamental one by her. This is the subject matter to which she dedicated three papers (“Językowe
procesy integracyjne (na materiale małopolskiej gwary wsi Chrusty)” (“Linguistic integration processes (on the material of the Lesser Polish dialect of the village of Chrusty)” [2005], “O przemijaniu pewnych słów (na materiale gwary Zagnańska w województwie świętokrzyskim)” (“On disappearance of certain words (on the material of the dialect of Zagańsk in Świętokrzyskie Voivodship)” [2015], “Gwara Zagnańska pół wieku później” (“The Zagańsk dialect half century later” [2006]). She also prepared Słownik gwary zagnańskiej (The dictionary of the Zagańsk dialect) [2017], which was published a year after she passed away. Its
innovation in comparison to the existing dialect dictionaries consists in containing etymological explanations.
Alina Kępińska : Word formation in the research by Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa
The aim of this paper is to present the output of
Krystyns Długosz-Kurczabowa in the area of word formation.
In her studies on this subject matter, the researcher took up
the issue of the function of formants, methods of enriching
lexis by way of word-formation derivation and, above all,
adaptation of formants of foreign origin to the Polish
language. She pointed to their productivity, synonymic
relations with Polish or foreign formants as well as the
meaning and longevity of specific derivatives. The author’s
studies written in cooperation with Stanisław Dubisz, such
as the inclusion of word formation in an academic handbook
for historical grammar of Polish, are also discussed. Word
formation descriptions in linguistic characteristics of
particular oldest written texts, i.e. Bogurodzica (The Mother
of God) and Konfesja sandomierska (The Sandomierz
confession), are also mentioned.
Ewelina Kwapień : Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa and her research on the history of language
This paper shows the research on the history of
language conducted by Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa. Her
interest in etymology, the grammatical system of Polish, in
particular word formation, is mentioned. The discussions on
various issues related to the Bible, especially the Biblical
onomastics and Biblicisms functioning in the old and
contemporary language, as well as philological analyses of
the oldest Polish written texts and research on the old and
disappearing vocabulary are presented in more detail.
Izabela Winiarska-Górska : Biblical linguistics as approached by Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa
This paper is dedicated to the more than 20 years’
collaboration of Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa with
Towarzystwo Biblijne w Polsce (The Bible Society in Poland)
as regards editing the Ecumenical Translation into Polish. It
contains an overview of the studies of language by the
scholar in the area of Biblical linguistics, which arose from
the experiences. Moreover, the theoretical bases of the
contemporary Biblical linguistics proposed by Krystyna
Długosz-Kurczabowa are discussed from the communication
Halina Karaś : Etymology in Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa’s scientific and popularisation achievements
The aim of this paper is to discuss the etymological
research conducted by Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa, in
particular her dictionary: Wielki słownik etymologicznohistoryczny
języka polskiego (Great etymological and historical dictionary of Polish), published in 2008. The paper
presents the methodological premises behind the dictionary,
its editing solutions, the number of entries and words
discussed. The types of relations between the words, which
are demonstrated in the dictionary, are presented on
selected examples.
Izabela Stąpor : Teaching and popularising the knowledge of the Polish language in Doctor Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa’s achievements
This text is dedicated to Dr Krystyna Długosz-
Kurczabowa and her activities in the area of teaching and
popularising the knowledge of the Polish language. During
her employment at the University of Warsaw, she educated
many generations of specialists in Polish studies, was the
author of several significant academic handbooks (one of the
most important ones is Gramatyka historyczna języka
polskiego (Historical grammar of Polish) written in
cooperation with S. Dubisz), took part in team projects and
conferences. In the course of her academic career, she wrote
approximately 300 papers bringing the Polish language and
its history closer to Poles, resolved a multitude of doubts by
answering questions in Poradnia Językowa PWN (PWN
Linguistic Guidance), cooperated with many publishing
houses and provided her opinion on a range of handbooks to
be released. Dr Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa was a
member of Polskie Towarzystwo Językoznawcze (Polish
Linguistic Society) and Towarzystwo Miłośników Języka
Polskiego (Society of Enthusiasts of the Polish Language),
and was Head of the Warsaw Branch of Towarzystwo Kultury
Języka (Society for Language Culture).
Józef Porayski-Pomsta : Doctor Krystyna Długosz-Kurczabowa and her activity in Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture)
This paper is dedicated to the popularisation and
organisational activities pursued by Dr Krystyna Długosz-
Kurczabowa (1941-2016), Head of the Warsaw Branch of
Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture)
for many years. The author enumerates the functions she
held in TKJ and discusses her achievements in the area of
popularising the knowledge of language and providing
linguistic guidance.