Current issues can be found on the website.
YEAR 2023
- Dawnload issue: 5/2023

- Relation between the phonation time in staccato samples and the method of performing selected language tasks in Polish: research conclusions.
Dawnload article - Relation between the phonation time in staccato samples and the method of performing selected language tasks in Polish: research conclusions.
Dawnload article - Relation between the phonation time in staccato samples and the method of performing selected language tasks in Polish: research conclusions.
Dawnload article - Relation between the phonation time in staccato samples and the method of performing selected language tasks in Polish: research conclusions.
Dawnload article - The theme of non-fluency of speech in written autobiographical narratives of people who stutter.
Dawnload article - Comparison of the possibility of categorising proper names and common names in a disturbed discourse (in the course of mild cognitive impairment accompanying Parkinson’s disease)
Dawnload article - The phenomenon of echolalia in the utterances of a patient with neurogenic and psychological disorders.
Dawnload article - Linguistic development of a child and the role of a Polish speech-language pathologist in the environment of Polish-Swedish bilingualism: opinions of parents of Polish children abroad (case studies).
Dawnload article - Linguistic development of a child and the role of a Polish speech-language pathologist in the environment of Polish-Swedish bilingualism: opinions of parents of Polish children abroad (case studies).
Dawnload article - Parkosz’s treatise, the Unicode standard, and the Junicode font.
Dawnload article - Is it correct to ubrać płaszcz?
Dawnload article - Campaign.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 4/2023

- Polysemy of czuć (to feel, to smell, to taste, to see) as a remnant of synesthesia? An attempt at explaining the ambiguity of the verb.
Dawnload article - After the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP): changes in the Polish vocabulary of the past decade on the example of keywords.
Dawnload article - After the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP): changes in the Polish vocabulary of the past decade on the example of keywords.
Dawnload article - After the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP): changes in the Polish vocabulary of the past decade on the example of keywords.
Dawnload article - Women of the Bratslav region of the second half of the 16th century and the first decade of the 17th century from the angle of anthroponymy.
Dawnload article - Women of the Bratslav region of the second half of the 16th century and the first decade of the 17th century from the angle of anthroponymy.
Dawnload article - The world of values refl ected in the names of streets in Wawer, a district of Warsaw.
Dawnload article - The issues of the Ukrainian language in „Poradnik Językowy” („The Linguis
Dawnload article - Ilustrowany leksykon gwary i kultury podhalańskiej (An illustated lexicon of the dialect and culture of Podhale) by Józef Kąś, vol. I–XII, 2015–2019.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 3/2023

- Autothematic information in the contemporary media: types and functions.
Dawnload article - Pragmatic considerations of changes in advertising communication on selected examples.
Dawnload article - From the history of social communication. Signalling functions of a bell, a trumpet, and a drum in light of the lexis of the Old Polish language.
Dawnload article - The use of hashtags in Polish doctors’ posts during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dawnload article - Changes in the Polish model of politeness on the example of linguistic ways of addressing customers in social media.
Dawnload article - Who and how do we teach? Demography and Polish glottodidactics in the Polonocentric community in the USA.
Dawnload article - Who and how do we teach? Demography and Polish glottodidactics in the Polonocentric community in the USA.
Dawnload article - Out of a sense of civic duty. On Antoni Morzycki’s grammar book.
Dawnload article - On the need to change the orthography of the names of topographic objects.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 2/2023

- Orality of dialects and their lexis.
Dawnload article - The high number of Silesian dialects as a source of abundance in the region.
Dawnload article - On the usefulness of Józef Tischner’s Historia filozofi i po góralsku (The History of Philosophy, Highlander Style) as a source of knowledge of the Podhale dialect and culture.
Dawnload article - Names of women in the dialects of Warmia and Masuria.
Dawnload article - Geography of selected terms related to the school: ‘a rubber’ and ‘to sharpen’.
Dawnload article - On dialectal elements in the 17th-century surnames from the Daleszyce parish.
Dawnload article - Meanings of phraseological units: a comparative approach.
Dawnload article - Józef Porayski-Pomsta, O rozwoju mowy dziecka. Dwa studia (On the development of speech in children. Two studies), ed. 2., Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA, Warsaw 2022.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 1/2023

- Professor Stanisław Gajda (1945–2022).
Dawnload article - Verbs of the maximum and excessive effectiveness in the National Photocorpus of the Polish Language (NFJP) – reconnaissance.
Dawnload article - A criminal threat as an example of a criminal speech act. Pragmatic and cognitive analysis.
Dawnload article - Korean toponyms in the Polish language: sources of transposition, transcription systems, and phonic assimilation strategies.
Dawnload article - Korean toponyms in the Polish language: sources of transposition, transcription systems, and phonic assimilation strategies.
Dawnload article - Communication with the reader in the situation of the readership crisis of the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries.
Dawnload article - Associative research as a way to explain the causes of the errors made by learners of Polish as a foreign language.
Dawnload article - A mentee or on the reception of a borrowing in Polish.
Dawnload article - Language advisory versus usage. Notes on notes.
Dawnload article
YEAR 2022
- Dawnload issue: 10/2022

- Polish-Ukrainian meetings: linguistics, glottodidactics, translation studies. By way of introduction.
Dawnload article - Latest history of the Polish language (1918–2018).
Dawnload article - Grammatical forms of autosemantic parts of speech in Polish and Ukrainian.
Dawnload article - Specific nature of the forms of address found in contemporary Polish-language newspapers released in Ukraine (against the Polish standard).
Dawnload article - Selected problems with realisation of Polish consonants in the stream of speech from the teaching perspective.
Dawnload article - Nasal phonemes and their realisation in Polish. Selected teaching problems.
Dawnload article - Semantic and connotative characteristics of the concept of prawda / правда (truth).
Dawnload article - Conventional syntagmas with words głęboki and глибокий (deep) in Polish and Ukrainian.
Dawnload article - Conventional syntagmas with words głęboki and глибокий (deep) in Polish and Ukrainian.
Dawnload article - On incredibility of language in ideological discourse.
Dawnload article - Friend – foe opposition in visual and verbal journalistic metaphors.
Dawnload article - Status of the Polish language among pupils learning in classes with Polish as the language of instruction (on the example of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine).
Dawnload article - Use of selected materials for aphasia therapy in teaching Polish as a foreign language at lower levels of language proficiency (A1 and A2).
Dawnload article - Foreign language processing from the neurobiological perspective.
Dawnload article - Text mediation in developing Polish academic language competences of students from Ukraine (on the example of an abstract).
Dawnload article - Poet–translator during the First World War. Translations by Jan Kasprowicz in the period 1914–1918.
Dawnload article - Olga Tokarczuk’s prose as a challenge for the translator: notes on the margins of the Ukrainian translation of the novel The Books of Jacob.
Dawnload article - Biographical notes
Dawnload article - Reviewers of „Poradnik Językowy” (“The Linguistic Guide”) in 2022.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 9/2022

- Professor Janina Gardzińska (1944–2022).
Dawnload article - Tendency for hyperbolisation in creating reality in contemporary texts of culture on the example of online news articles.
Dawnload article - The structure and communicative functions of the postscript in Polish-language messages sent on postcards.
Dawnload article - From the Soviet cuisine of the Northern Borderlands. The unification influence of Russian on the Polish, Lithuanian, and Belarusian culinary phrasematics.
Dawnload article - Zoonyms from the Vilnius Region as a reflection of linguistic and cultural contacts.
Dawnload article - Proper names of biblical provenance in Wacław Potocki’s poetry.
Dawnload article - Marcin Kojder, Antroponimia historyczna wiernych chełmskiej diecezji grecko-unickiej (1662–1810) (The Historical Anthroponymy of the Faithful in the Greek-Uniate Diocese of Chełm (1662–1810)), Lublin 2019
Dawnload article - Kresy (the Borderlands), Ukraina (Ukraine) and prepositions.
Dawnload article - Letter to Mr Przemysław Czarnek, Minister of Education and Science.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 8/2022

- Professor Elżbieta Laskowska (1946–2022).
Dawnload article - Plain language as a team game: reflections of a trainer, linguist, practioner.
Dawnload article - Plain language as a team game: reflections of a trainer, linguist, practioner.
Dawnload article - Plain language as a team game: reflections of a trainer, linguist, practioner.
Dawnload article - Plain language as a team game: reflections of a trainer, linguist, practioner.
Dawnload article - Plain language in the City of Poznań: good practices.
Dawnload article - Effective communication and plain language in the banking practice as a subject in the curriculum of Polish Studies.
Dawnload article - Effective communication and plain language in the banking practice as a subject in the curriculum of Polish Studies.
Dawnload article - Plain language and natural order of things in modern recruitment (on the example of job advertisements).
Dawnload article - Plain language and natural order of things in modern recruitment (on the example of job advertisements).
Dawnload article - The plain language movement in Poland in the period 2012–2022.
Dawnload article - The historical and critical method in Andrzej Sztochel’s grammar book.
Dawnload article - The 40th anniversary of the scientific activity of Prof. Dr Hab. Urszula Sokólska, Białystok 28/02/2022. Report.
Dawnload article - Contemporary deliberations on duma (pride, deliberation).
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 7/2022

- Creative use of language in a literary text (an analysis of Urszula Kozioł’s poem Jest mi miałko… (I’m feeling bland...) based on assumptions
of linguistic poetics).
Dawnload article - Prayers of Kazimierz Wierzyński.
Dawnload article - Between colloquialism and eruditeness. Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński’s notes on language.
Dawnload article - Language of Józef Piłsudski’s texts: Walka rewolucyjna w zaborze rosyjskim. Fakty i wrażenia z ostatnich lat dziesięciu (Revolutionary fight under
the Russian rule. Facts and impressions over the last ten years)
Dawnload article - “Corpus of the Four Poets”: the digital dimension of the national heritage. Project assumptions.
Dawnload article - “Corpus of the Four Poets”: the digital dimension of the national heritage. Project assumptions.
Dawnload article - “Corpus of the Four Poets”: the digital dimension of the national heritage. Project assumptions.
Dawnload article - “Corpus of the Four Poets”: the digital dimension of the national heritage. Project assumptions.
Dawnload article - On zrodzić (się) and verbs of giving birth and being born from the historical perspective.
Dawnload article - Dokładna nauka języka i stylu polskiego w dwoch częściach. Cz. 1 (Accurate teaching of the Polish language and style in two parts. Part 1) by Tomasz Szumski.
Dawnload article - Does prescriptive advice influence language usage? Notes of a former prescriptivist.
Dawnload article - Anna Pajdzińska, Wiersz – złożony sens (A poem – a complex sense), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2021.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 6/2022

- Professor Barbara Falińska (1931–2022)
Dawnload article - Professor Aleksander Wilkoń (1935–2022).
Dawnload article - The semicolon in Polish press publications in the past 120 years.
Dawnload article - Accentuated and non-accentuated forms of substantival pronouns in the system and in the usage.
Dawnload article - Iconic qualities of prosodic features in the poem Lokomotywa (Locomotive) by Julian Tuwim recited by Piotr Fronczewski.
Dawnload article - Naive linguistics: an attempt at outlining a theory of a non-expert view of language.
Dawnload article - “Póki język, póty byt”. Nauka języka polskiego dla uczącej się młodzi (“As long as there is language, there is existence”. Polish for young learners) by Henryk Suchecki.
Dawnload article - Izabela Kępka, Językowe kreacje świata transcendentnego i człowieka wobec sacrum w poezji Jacka Kaczmarskiego (Linguistic creations of the transcendent world and human being in the face of the sacred in Jacek Kaczmarki’s poetry), Gdańsk 2021.
Dawnload article - Report on the works of Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture) in the term of office 2019–2022.
Dawnload article - Minutes of the General Assembly of Members of Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture) held in Warsaw on 26 March 2022.
Dawnload article - Minutes of the General Assembly of Members of Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture) held in Warsaw on 26 March 2022.
Dawnload article - Minutes of the Meeting of the Management Board of Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture) held in Warsaw on 26 March 2022.
Dawnload article - Minutes of the Meeting of the Management Board of Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture) held in Warsaw on 26 March 2022.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 5/2022

- Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture): the past and the present.
Dawnload article - Development of Polish linguistics in the last century. Research on the Polish language used by the Polish communication community.
Dawnload article - The forgotten normative resolutions proposed by Walenty Szylarski.
Dawnload article - Did Telimena, Vinicius and priest Kordecki contemn the same thing in the same way? Axiological ambivalence and semantics of contempt in the literary works by Adam Mickiewicz and Henryk Sienkiewicz.
Dawnload article - Thematic structure of the verbal borrowings going out of use in the New Polish period.
Dawnload article - Thematic division of the lexical borrowings used in the press articles dedicated to climate change.
Dawnload article - On jeszcze (yet, still) and już (already, yet) in textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language at levels A1 and A2.
Dawnload article - Izabela Duraj-Nowosielska, Chcąc – nie chcąc? Intencjonalność działania w wyrażeniach języka polskiego. Wprowadzenie do tematyki. Klasa jednostek wartościujących (Chcąc – nie chcąc (Like it or not)? Intentionality of action in expressions of the Polish language. Introduction to the subject matter. Class of evaluative units), Toruń 2021.
Dawnload article - Report on the works of the Editorial Board of „Poradnik Językowy” („Linguistic Guide”) in the term of office 2019–2022
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 4/2022

- The “incorporated” certification system for the command of Polish as a foreign language – the present situation.
Dawnload article - From the communication approach to the activity-oriented one. Side notes on Dydaktyka i metodyka nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego i drugiego (Didactics and methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign and second language)
Dawnload article - The use of math word problems in developing grammatical competences in didactics of Polish as foreigners’ school instruction language.
Dawnload article - The use of the Polish language in the Dom Pedro II colony against the studies of Polish–Portuguese bilingualism in Brazil.
Dawnload article - Ukrainian–Russian–Polish trilingualism of students at Lviv schools with Polish as the language of instruction.
Dawnload article - The Polish language in Kazakhstan. Diagnosis and forecast.
Dawnload article - The expression młode wilki (young wolves) in the contemporary Polish language.
Dawnload article - The Latin-Polish editions of Donatus and the beginnings of the Polish grammatical terminology.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 3/2022

- A general corpus as a model of a natural language: corpora of phonic languages and the Corpus of Polish Sign Language.
Dawnload article - A general corpus as a model of a natural language: corpora of phonic languages and the Corpus of Polish Sign Language.
Dawnload article - Iconicity, metonymy, and metaphor in the signs of Polish Sign Language which denote speech.
Dawnload article - Iconicity, metonymy, and metaphor in the signs of Polish Sign Language which denote speech.
Dawnload article - Variation in classifier predications in Polish Sign Language: a pilot study.
Dawnload article - A buoy as an element of grammar of Polish Sign Language: a preliminary review of corpus data.
Dawnload article - A buoy as an element of grammar of Polish Sign Language: a preliminary review of corpus data.
Dawnload article - The Polish Sign Language sentence reproduction test (PJM-SRT) as a linguistics challenge.
Dawnload article - Menu (a menu), festiwal (a festival), wyspa (an island) and grill (a grill, a barbecue): new neosemanticisms in the Polish language.
Dawnload article - Editor’s Note: clarification.
Dawnload article - Andrzej Kątny, Das Polnische im Spiegel des Deutschen. Studien zur kontrastiven Linguistik, Gdańsk 2021.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 2/2022

- To Professor Barbara Falińska on her 90th birthday.
Dawnload article - Bibliography of Professor Barbara Falińska’s studies.
Dawnload article - Bibliography of Professor Barbara Falińska’s studies.
Dawnload article - The new lexis related to food: on the material of the Language Observatory of the University of Warsaw. An attempt to reconstruct the structure of a thematic field.
Dawnload article - Formative neologisms with the decomposed root kato- in the contemporary Polish language.
Dawnload article - Type of expressive markedness of the formative -essa.
Dawnload article - Changes in the meaning of the lexeme pomocnik (a helper).
Dawnload article - It feeds, nourishes, provides existence. On metaphorisation of land and its crops in the vocabulary used by inhabitants of the Kłobuck county associated with agriculture: a comparative analysis.
Dawnload article - An outdoor snack. Polish dialectal and colloquial names of shepherd’s purse.
Dawnload article - The plebiscite of 1920 as seen by Warmians based on oral accounts.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 1/2022

- Polish-Ukrainian meetings concerned with Polish studies: language, literature, culture. By way of introduction.
Dawnload article - Continuity of the development of the Polish language.
Dawnload article - Public discourse in the conditions of freedom of speech. Perspective of communication ethics.
Dawnload article - Grammatical category of time in Polish and Ukrainian from a diachronic perspective.
Dawnload article - New lexis of the Polish language. Sources and trends of development (selected issues).
Dawnload article - Elements of language biographies of residents of the Polish national minority on the borderland: Ivano-Frankivsk (formerly Stanisławów).
Dawnload article - The linguistic view of the road in Polish and Ukrainian.
Dawnload article - Surnames of Ukrainians of Eastern Galicia, motivated by own names of Polish origin.
Dawnload article - Surnames of Ukrainians of Eastern Galicia, motivated by own names of Polish origin.
Dawnload article - Hybrid verb forms in Polish and Ukrainian.
Dawnload article - The need to research the lexical competence of early school-age children in Polish language teaching abroad (on the example of the United States of America and Ukraine).
Dawnload article - Functional Revolution. On the literary and cultural aspects of teaching Polish as a foreign language.
Dawnload article - Teaching Polish grammar to Slavic speakers.
Dawnload article - Polish academic writing for Ukrainian students. Genre analysis.
Dawnload article - Norwid: a poet of a big serio and a little buffo.
Dawnload article - Stanisław August and his School of Chivalry.
Dawnload article - Music inspirations in Prawda starowieku (Truth of the old days), part one of the tetralogy by S. Vincenz.
Dawnload article - Image of the Balkans in the works by Andrzej Stasiuk and Małgorzata Rejmer.
Dawnload article
YEAR 2021
- Dawnload issue: 10/2021

- More than philology and applied linguistics. Applied Polish studies as an integrative research concept.
Dawnload article - Rhetoric in Poland after 1989. An overview of research directions.
Dawnload article - Rhetoric in Poland after 1989. An overview of research directions.
Dawnload article - Rhetoric in Poland after 1989. An overview of research directions.
Dawnload article - Rhetoric in Poland after 1989. An overview of research directions.
Dawnload article - Rhetoric in Poland after 1989. An overview of research directions.
Dawnload article - Żydki, gudłaje, parchy and other shameful words for Jews. Anti-Semitism imprinted in the old and modern Polish lexis.
Dawnload article - Silence as a performative criminal act on the example of the Polish Criminal Code.
Dawnload article - Gramatyka języka polskiego (Polish grammar) by Jan Otrębski.
Dawnload article - Gramatyka języka polskiego (Polish grammar) by Jan Otrębski.
Dawnload article - Cnota niewieścia and feminine virtues from the historical perspective.
Dawnload article - Synonymous eponyms? – falandyzowanie prawa and witkowanie reasumpcji.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 9/2021

- Parenthesis and metatext.
Dawnload article - Grammatical units derived from numerals and numerical expressions.
Dawnload article - On the expressions w miarę and na miarę. Discussions incidental to dictionary descriptions.
Dawnload article - Operators of gradation: maksymalnie (maximally), minimalnie (minimally). Differences in connectivity with adjectives and adverbs.
Dawnload article - On pozostali (the remaining) and reszta (the rest) as indicators of reference.
Dawnload article - Falsehood revealed. On approving verbs of falsehood.
Dawnload article - The idiom ile jest cukru w cukrze (how much sugar there is in sugar) and its modifications in modern Polish.
Dawnload article - Editor’s Note: clarification.
Dawnload article - A lexicographic note on 1851.
Dawnload article - Władysława Bryła, Agnieszka Bryła-Cruz, Joanna Rychter, Współczesne koncepty poetyckie, publicystyczne i kaznodziejskie (Modern poetic, journalistic, and preaching concepts), Gorzów Wielkopolski 2020.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 8/2021

- “The patient is not cooperating” – sociopragmatics of (mis)understanding in health care.
Dawnload article - Pacjenci z… / u pacjentów z… / w przebiegu COVID-19… (Patients with... / in patients with... / in COVID-19...): discursive analysis of Polish specialised medical publications on coronavirus.
Dawnload article - What is an empathetic doctor like? The view of doctor’s empathy in opinions published on the
Dawnload article - Patient in the centre of conversation on the example of medical students’ assignments.
Dawnload article - Patient in the centre of conversation on the example of medical students’ assignments.
Dawnload article - The expression Certyfikat „Super HoSpa” (“Super HoSpa” Certificate) and its role in shaping the image of palliative care in the modern medical discourse.
Dawnload article - On the names of epilepsy in the 19th-century Polish language.
Dawnload article - K. Kłosińska, M. Rusinek, Dobra zmiana, czyli jak się rządzi światem za pomocą słów (The good change or how to rule the world with words), Kraków 2019.
Dawnload article - Profesor Tadeusz Zgółka.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 7/2021

- The Kashubian language: analysis of the sociolinguistic situation.
Dawnload article - The Lithuanian national minority in Poland: language and community.
Dawnload article - The history and situation of the Lemko language in the past century.
Dawnload article - Identity of the Yiddish language.
Dawnload article - The 19th-century dialect glossary from the Podlasie region by Zygmunt Wasilewski as a contribution to the history of the Polish dialect lexicography.
Dawnload article - Pavlo Levchuk, Trójjęzyczność ukraińsko-rosyjsko-polska Ukraińców niepolskiego pochodzenia (Ukrainian–Russian–Polish trilingualism among Ukrainians of non-Polish origin), Kraków 2020.
Dawnload article - From hatakumba to rezurekcja, or about the “word culture” of posts on social networking services.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 6/2021

- Logopedia w Uniwersytecie Warszawskim
Dawnload article - Determination of a diagnostic procedure standard in speech therapy of bilingual children: considerations and challenges.
Dawnload article - Determination of a diagnostic procedure standard in speech therapy of bilingual children: considerations and challenges.
Dawnload article - Determination of a diagnostic procedure standard in speech therapy of bilingual children: considerations and challenges.
Dawnload article - Cerebral origin of speech development in autism.
Dawnload article - Osoba z ASD (a person with ASD), osoba ze spectrum (a person on the spectrum), autystyk (an autistic), osoba autystyczna (an autistic person), or osoba z autyzmem (a person with autism)? The contemporary trends in naming people with ASD.
Dawnload article - Speech disorders in early onset Alzheimer’s disease: a case study.
Dawnload article - The return of the (prodigal) goat to the cart. A seeming familiarity with a Polish proverb.
Dawnload article - From the history of linguistic research in Płock.
Dawnload article - D. Bieńkowska, E. Umińska-Tytoń, Miasto w polskich badaniach lingwistycznych (Town in Polish linguistic research), Łódź 2019
Dawnload article - Albo wróblica (Or a sparowess).
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 5/2021

- Deviations from the general Polish norm as regards the grammatical category of gender in Polish-language texts of „Gazeta Polska Bukowiny” („The Polish Newspaper of Bukovina”) published in Ukraine.
Dawnload article - Difficulties in learning the inflection of numerals in the teaching of Polish as a foreign language on the example of Ukrainian- and Russianspeaking students.
Dawnload article - Rhetoric of expressive exemplification in typologically distant languages: On the example of selected Polish and Japanese statements/utterances.
Dawnload article - Alternation of aspectual partners, or a few comments on the irrelevance of aspect.
Dawnload article - Once again about polonisms in Słodkie Sulejki by Siegfried Lenz.
Dawnload article - Instruments for promoting the Polish language worldwide: „Tripartite Polish Studies Meetings: China, Korea, Japan”.
Dawnload article - Problems and prospects of the Kazakh language transitioning into the Latin alphabet.
Dawnload article - Hanna Pułaczewska, Wychowanie do języka polskiego w Niemczech na przykładzie Ratyzbony. Dwujęzyczność dzieci z perspektywy rodziców (Polish language education in Germany on the example of Regensburg. Bilingualism in children from the perspective of parents), Łódź 2017.
Dawnload article - Once again about feminatywy (feminativa) and feminizm (feminism): calm comments.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 4/2021

- Language of sport from the medialinguistic perspective: outline of the issue.
Dawnload article - Sport professionalisms on the material recorded by Wielki słownik języka polskiego PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences Great Dictionary of Polish).
Dawnload article - Knockout is unavoidable here like wrinkles in your sixties. A few comments on the comparative formations in utterances by Andrzej Kostyra, a sports journalist.
Dawnload article - Borrowings in the horse-racing vocabulary of the interwar period (on the basis of the „Jeździec i Hodowca” (“Rider and breeder”) magazine).
Dawnload article - Pragmatic information in an orthoepic dictionary. Current state and needs.
Dawnload article - Can a group be średniowalny (amenable)? An opinion in a dispute about a new term in mathematics.
Dawnload article - Przemysław E. Gębal, Władysław T. Miodunka, Dydaktyka i metodyka nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego (Didactics and methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language), Warszawa 2020.
Dawnload article - Społem (together), społeczność (community), społeczeństwo (society).
Dawnload article - Teresa Iglikowska (1926–2021).
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 3/2021

- Climate and its lexical field as keywords of the contemporary public discourse.
Dawnload article - Between fear and fascination. The notion of air in the history of the Polish language.
Dawnload article - Meteorology, diplomacy, homestead, and war. Weather in memoirs of diplomats and military personnel.
Dawnload article - Dialectal names of plants as a reflection of dialect users’ attitude towards the nature (historical and comparative approach.
Dawnload article - Vocabulary of the world of fauna and flora in Symbolika wiosenna (Spring symbolism) by Stefania Ulanowska.
Dawnload article - Unus mundus. The human being and the nature in the language of Olga Tokarczuk’s prose.
Dawnload article - Linguaecology – protection of the language against the human being and the human being against the language.
Dawnload article - In the shadow of the coronavirus... The return of the medyk (medic).
Dawnload article - Naród (the nation) – narodowy (national).
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 2/2021

- Contempt, humans, and God. The semantics of the words from the lexical nest (contempt) in the Middle Ages and in Jan Kochanowski’s works.
Dawnload article - Serce (Heart) by Edmondo de Amicisa in the translation by Maria Konopnicka. Analysis of selected fragments.
Dawnload article - Language games in public communication (on the example of sociopolitical weeklies).
Dawnload article - Expressing modality in the Croatian, Serbian, and Polish languages. Similarities and differences between lexical verbal exponents of modality.
Dawnload article - How to examine folk linguistic awareness.
Dawnload article - Phonetic and graphemic adaptations of Polish first and last names in the contemporary Japanese language.
Dawnload article - Axiological analysis of the word głuchy (deaf) in the Polish language (based on a corpus material).
Dawnload article - Slogans of street protests.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 1/2021

- A thoughtless language. Disruptions of cognitive phenomena in autistic people.
Dawnload article - The preposition and its use in essays of dyslexic students.
Dawnload article - On the punctuation of sentences with infinitive phrases connoted by niż (than) and zamiast (instead).
Dawnload article - On vocalised and unvocalised forms of words with ze/z and we/w.
Dawnload article - Unparliamentary language of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland in 2019.
Dawnload article - Names of black inhabitants of Africa in the contemporary translations of the New Testament against cultural transformations.
Dawnload article - Nadzwyczajni (the extraordinary) and totalni (the total) in the Polish public life. On the collocations nadzwyczajna kasta (the extraordinary caste) and totalna opozycja (the total opposition) coming from the language of politics.
Dawnload article - Nadzwyczajni (the extraordinary) and totalni (the total) in the Polish public life. On the collocations nadzwyczajna kasta (the extraordinary caste) and totalna opozycja (the total opposition) coming from the language of politics.
Dawnload article - A Simplified Grammar of the Polish Language by William Morfill – on the first English-language grammar book of Polish.
Dawnload article - After-Christmas notes on traditional Polish folk instruments: dudki, dudy, gajdy and cymbały.
Dawnload article
YEAR 2020
- Dawnload issue: 10/2020

- Discussions on the etymology of grom (thunder).
Dawnload article - A fragment of the manuscript Wykład nabożny piosnki „Salve Regina” (A pious interpretation of the song “Salve Regina”) (mid-16th century) by Jerzy Argiglobyn in the context of the Reformation. Sequative names and proper names.
Dawnload article - The text of Unia lubelska (The Union of Lublin) as a document of the period.
Dawnload article - Exponents of Sarmatism in the past and present phraseology. On the example of Wacław Potocki’s works and modern idioms.
Dawnload article - Surnames with the formative -yk/-czyk in the Białystok region. Interpretational comments.
Dawnload article - Galanty and galancie as lexical exponents of the intensification degree of a characteristic in dialects and general Polish.
Dawnload article - The Polish dialectal tok ‘dirt floor’ is not a borrowing.
Dawnload article - The Polish dialectal tok ‘dirt floor’ is not a borrowing.
Dawnload article - Orthography books by Kochanowski, Górnicki, and Januszowski compiled using a new Polish font (Ortografie Kochanowskiego, Górnickiego i Januszowskiego nowym
karakterem polskim złożone).
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 9/2020

- One more word about <jednym> słowem (in a word)
Dawnload article - Word order as a distinctive feature in the field of metatextual commentaries: [Adv] mówiąc, _ ([Adv] speaking, _) vs Mówiąc [Adv], _ (speaking [Adv], _)
Dawnload article - Lexicalisation of developing clauses with expressions cokolwiek and co (whatever) functioning as a metatextual commentary.
Dawnload article - Adnumerative operators such as marny, dobry, bity (measly, good, whole): an attempt at a formal and semantic description.
Dawnload article - On the so-called samooszustwo (self-deception) in light of the meanings of selected verbs.
Dawnload article - Preliminary remarks on the semantics of the lexemes wyczyn (a feat) and czyn (an act).
Dawnload article - The handwritten Grammatyka Ięzyka Polskiego dla Szkół wyższych (Polish Grammar for Higher Education Institutions) by Piotr Siemiątkowski.
Dawnload article - Jolenta Brzezińska, Nieznajomi. Na podstawie pierwodruków i materiałów archiwalnych opracowali i do druku podali Marcin Brzeziński, Justyna Kobus, Jerzy Sierociuk (Strangers. Compiled and provided for printing based on first editions and archival material by Marcin Brzeziński, Justyna Kobus, Jerzy Sierociuk), Poznań 2020.
Dawnload article - Language policy.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 8/2020

- On the Corpus of Polish until 1500 project.
Dawnload article - On the Corpus of Polish until 1500 project.
Dawnload article - On the Corpus of Polish until 1500 project.
Dawnload article - On the Corpus of Polish until 1500 project.
Dawnload article - Corpus of the 16th-century Polish language.
Dawnload article - Corpus of the 16th-century Polish language.
Dawnload article - Electronic Corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish Texts – theoretical and workshop problems.
Dawnload article - Electronic Corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish Texts – theoretical and workshop problems.
Dawnload article - Electronic Corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish Texts – theoretical and workshop problems.
Dawnload article - Electronic Corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish Texts – theoretical and workshop problems.
Dawnload article - Cluster Micro-Corpus of the Polish Language of 1830–1918.
Dawnload article - Inflectional analysis of historical texts and variability of Polish inflection from the perspective of corpus data.
Dawnload article - Inflectional analysis of historical texts and variability of Polish inflection from the perspective of corpus data.
Dawnload article - On the semantic evolution of the word zdalny (remote) during the coronavirus pandemic.
Dawnload article - Report on the academic conference ICOMP – International Conference on Multilingual Practice, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, 24–26 February 2020
Dawnload article - Report on the academic conference ICOMP – International Conference on Multilingual Practice, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, 24–26 February 2020
Dawnload article - Jacek Warchala, Formy perswazji (Forms of persuasion), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2019.
Dawnload article - Professor Anna Kowalska (15 April 1936 – 25 December 2019).
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 7/2020

- Paratextual strategies of encouraging people to read popular scientific texts.
Dawnload article - Notes on the models of deriving modern Polish adjectival nouns.
Dawnload article - Szacun, szacuneczek, uszanowanko! On derivatives expressing respect (?)
Dawnload article - From meaning to concept: pragmatic and cultural aspects of semantic specification.
Dawnload article - On the non-standardised semantics of the terms czynność seksualna (sexual act), inna czynność seksualna (another sexual act), and obcowanie płciowe (sexual intercourse) in legal discourse.
Dawnload article - Linguistic methods of expressing emotions. Tomasz Raczek about journalists.
Dawnload article - Contemporary Polish paremiography for children.
Dawnload article - Koronawirus (coronavirus) as a problem of Polish linguistics.
Dawnload article - Marcin Bielski, Kronika, to jest historyja świata (A chronicle, that is a history of the world), compiled by: Dariusz Śnieżko, Dorota Kozaryn, in cooperation with Elena Karczewska, Szczecin 2019, Vol. I–III, pp. 498 + 640 + 586
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 6/2020

- The contribution of the interwar period to the evolution of the Polish language.
Dawnload article - Development of the language awareness of the citizens of the Second Polish Republic in the context of integration processes.
Dawnload article - The language of law and administration of the interwar period.
Dawnload article - Language as an object of reflection as approached by the writers of the interwar period.
Dawnload article - Antisemitism in the Polish press of the interwar period. Lexis of the newspaper headlines of the weekly titled „Pod Pręgierz” (“In the Pillory”)
Dawnload article - The language of Józef Piłsudski’s writings – Rok 1920 (1920)
Dawnload article - In the shadow of coronavirus... On epidemic and germs in historical terms.
Dawnload article - Barbara Batko-Tokarz, Tematyczny podział słownictwa współczesnego języka polskiego. Teoria, praktyka, leksykografia (Thematic division of the lexis of the modern Polish language. Theory, practice, lexicography), Kraków 2019.
Dawnload article - Jerzy Sierociuk (ed.), Słownik języka mieszkańców Ziemi Łukowskiej. Praca na roli i w gospodarstwie (Dictionary of the language used by the inhabitants of the Łuków Land. Work on the land and in the farm), Poznań 2019.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 5/2020

- Terminology and the modern scientific reality.
Dawnload article - Terminology in the first geometry, geodesy textbook written in Polish [Geometria, to jest miernicka nauka (Geometry or the science of measurement) by Stanisław Grzepski, 1566]
Dawnload article - Modern Polish astronomical terminology: heritage and future.
Dawnload article - Modern Polish astronomical terminology: heritage and future.
Dawnload article - Geographical vocabulary.
Dawnload article - On the formation of the Polish grammatical terminology.
Dawnload article - Medical terminology in Nowy dykcjonarz (New dictionary) by Michał Abraham Troc against the 16th- and 17th-century sources.
Dawnload article - Polish names of aviation vehicles based on Wojskowy słowniczek lotniczy polsko–francusko–niemiecko–rosyjski (Military Polish–French–German–Russian aviation glossary) [1922].
Dawnload article - Stylistyka i rytmika polska. Podręcznik dla szkoły i samouków (Polish stylistics and rhythmicity for schools and the self-taught) by Kazimierz Wóycicki [1917].
Dawnload article - Editorial staff: Correction.
Dawnload article - Loreta Vilkienė, Laura Vilkaitė-Lozdienė, Justina Bružaitė-Liseckienė, Lietuvių kalba Vilniaus lietuviškose ir rusiškose gimnazijose: mokėjimo kokybė, kalbinės nuostatos ir motyvacija – Język litewski w gimnazjach litewskich, polskich i rosyjskich w Wilnie: kompetencja językowa, postawy, motywacja (The Lithuanian language in Lithuanian, Polish, and Russian gymnasiums in Vilnius: language competence, attitudes, motivation), Vilnius 2019
Dawnload article - Aneta Lewińska, „Dla orientacji kolegów spisałem…” O szkole w kronikach szkół wiejskich Pomorza z lat 1920–1989 (“For the knowledge of colleagues, I have written…” On the school in the chronicles of rural schools in the Pomerania region of 1920–1989), Pelplin 2019.
Dawnload article - Prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Szymczak.
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 4/2020

- Work as a controversial notion in online debates of Poles: a linguistic reconstruction of cognitive models (on the material of statements of 2015–2019)
Dawnload article - Internet memes as a sources of new eponyms.
Dawnload article - On the functions of hashtags on Twitter.
Dawnload article - The category of investment in the language of life coaching.
Dawnload article - Hate speech.
Dawnload article - When the lesson of politeness has not been learnt. Politicians’ talks in the media.
Dawnload article - Evolutions and revolutions in selected journalistic genres after 1989 (a reportage and a viral article).
Dawnload article - Rozczarować się (to be disappointed), last minute, szpieg (a spy), dyskont (a discount) or new neosemantisms in the Polish language.
Dawnload article - Maria Wojtak, Wprowadzenie do genologii (Introduction to genology), Lublin 2019.
Dawnload article - Kaganiec – kagańcowy – kaganek (a muzzle – muzzle – a cresset/torch).
Dawnload article - Professor Władysław Kupiszewski (on the ninetieth anniversary of his birth).
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 3/2020

- Popularising, preserving, and teaching Polish all over the world in the period 1918–2018, Part III: Research on Polish communities, their language and culture, Polish-foreign bilingualism, and teaching Polish across the world in the period 1970–2018.
Dawnload article - Expressive function of Russian in a multilingual community of Polish school youth in Lithuania and Ukraine.
Dawnload article - Expressive function of Russian in a multilingual community of Polish school youth in Lithuania and Ukraine.
Dawnload article - Particles in teaching Polish as a foreign language at the level A1. On the material of textbooks and dictionaries for learners of Polish as a foreign language.
Dawnload article - Effective operational proficiency or who takes the level C1 certification examination in Polish as a foreign language?
Dawnload article - Polish+. A new programme in Polish studies at the Sichuan University in Chengdu.
Dawnload article - On the Masuria dialect in modern unprofessional dialect dictionaries.
Dawnload article - Agnieszka Małocha-Krupa, Feminatywum w uwikłaniach językowo-kulturowych (Feminine names in linguistic and cultural entanglements), Wrocław 2018.
Dawnload article - Ignorancja (ignorance).
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 2/2020

- Popularising, preserving, and teaching Polish all over the world in the period 1918–2018, Part II: The Polish language and community across the world in the period 1944–2018.
Dawnload article - Fundamental problems of the theory of language awareness.
Dawnload article - Capitalisation in official texts. Selected problems related to the application of the semantic criterion.
Dawnload article - Capitalisation in official texts. Selected problems related to the application of the semantic criterion.
Dawnload article - Locative alternation in selected lexical databases.
Dawnload article - Politeness strategies in the CONDOLENCE act of speech (on the Polish- and German-language material).
Dawnload article - Disorders of language and communication skills of patients after stroke of the right hemisphere. Case reports.
Dawnload article - In the spotlight of advertising. Words which change their meanings and collocations.
Dawnload article - Wykład o języku polskim (A lecture on Polish) by Jacek Idzi Przybylski in Klucz staroświatniczy do sześciudziesiąt dwu śpiewów Homera i Kwinta (An ancient key to sixty-two songs by Homer and Quintus).
Dawnload article - W. Decyk-Zięba, A. Kępińska, M. Kresa, I. Stąpor (eds), Dydaktyczny słownik etymologiczno-historyczny języka polskiego (on-line) (Didactic etymological and historical dictionary of Polish), University of Warsaw 2018.
Dawnload article - Arogancja (arrogance).
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 1/2020

- Popularising, preserving and teaching Polish across the world in the period 1918–2018. Part I: Polish language and Poles around the world in the period 1918–1939.
Dawnload article - Tomasz Szumski’s prescriptive views in the work Dokładna nauka języka i stylu polskiego (Learning the Polish language and style thoroughly)
Dawnload article - Life of words on the example of the lexical resource of Rozprawy literackie (Literary treatises) by Maurycy Mochnacki. I. Preliminary issues.
Dawnload article - Writings by Krzysztof Kluk as a lexical source for Słownik języka polskiego (Dictionary of Polish) by S.B. Linde.
Dawnload article - The category of press nature and its exponents in the 18th-century manuscripts of news-sheets by Jędrzej Kitowicz.
Dawnload article - Names of black inhabitants of Africa in old translations of the New Testament.
Dawnload article - Did Jan Kochanowski hate someone or something? Usages of words from the nest (hatred) in the texts by the author of Treny (Laments) against their meanings in the 15th and 16th century
Dawnload article - A report on the works of the Management Board of Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture) for 2017–2019.
Dawnload article - A report on the works of the Editorial Committee of Poradnik Językowy (The Linguistic Guide) (PorJ) in the term of office 2017–2019.
Dawnload article - Communication of the Management Board of Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture).
Dawnload article - Prof. dr hab. Mirosław Skarżyński (26 August 1952 – 23 August 2019).
Dawnload article
YEAR 2019
- Dawnload issue: 10/2019

- Periodisation of the latest history of the Polish language (1939–2019)
Dawnload article - Linguistic landscape of contemporary Poland: back to the future?
Dawnload article - Pseudo-metascientific newspeak? On the language of the Polish science policy.
Dawnload article - Between descriptive and prescriptive grammar. Once again about Józef Mroziński.
Dawnload article - Dialectisms in the memoirs in Z miłości do wiedzy (Out of Love to Knowledge) by Stanisław Urbańczyk as a sign of the scholar’s ties with rural environment.
Dawnload article - Words of the month in 2018 in lexical and semantic fields.
Dawnload article - Interseksualny (intersexual) and interpłciowy (intergender) – beyond binariness.
Dawnload article - Walenty Szylarski’s grammar as the enlightenment version of Franciscus à Mesgnien Meninski’s grammar.
Dawnload article - K. Choińska, M. Pachowicz (eds), Język nam dano jako dar nieba. Wybór pism Profesora Aleksandra Wilkonia przygotowany z okazji jubileuszu 60-lecia pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej Profesora (Language as a gift of heaven. Selection of Professor Aleksander Wilkoń’s writings compiled on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Professor’s academic career), Tarnów 2018.
Dawnload article - Wanda Decyk-Zięba, Monika Kresa, Izabela Stąpor (sc. ed.), Dawne ortografie, gramatyki i podręczniki języka polskiego. Internetowe kompendium edukacyjne. Seria B (Old orthography books, grammar books, textbooks of Polish. An online educational compendium),
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 9/2019

- Dziewczyna o perłowych włosach, dziewczyna z perłowymi włosami (a girl with pearly hair): prepositional attributive phrases. Syntax, order, meaning
Dawnload article - Double-headed relative clauses in Polish. A preliminary examination.
Dawnload article - Juxtaposition or syntax? Clausal phrases in the context of selected falsehood verbs.
Dawnload article - Inny, różny, odrębny, odmienny (other, different, distinct, dissimilar). An attempt at identifying linguistic units.
Dawnload article - Sentence structures with verbs of movement in the speech of two- and three-year-old children.
Dawnload article - Lewak, lewaczka (a leftie) and lewactwo (leftism) in the contemporary Polish language.
Dawnload article - On Gramatyka języka polskiego (Grammar of Polish) by Maksymilian Siemiginowski.
Dawnload article - Karolina Kowalcze-Franiuk, Bilingwizm polsko-włoski i tożsamość kulturowa emigracji okołosolidarnościowej (Polish-Italian bilingualism and cultural identity of the emigration related to the Solidarity movement), Kraków 2018.
Dawnload article - Halina Karaś, Język polski pogranicza litewsko-łotewsko-białoruskiego w świetle frekwencji cech językowych (Polish in the Lithuanian-Latvian-Belarusian borderland in light of frequency of linguistic features), Warszawa 2017.
Dawnload article - Woluntaryzm (voluntarism)
Dawnload article
- Dawnload issue: 8/2019

- Dawnload issue: 7/2019

- Dawnload issue: 6/2019

- Dawnload issue: 5/2019

- Dawnload issue: 4/2019

- Dawnload issue: 3/2019

- Dawnload issue: 2/2019

- Dawnload issue: 1/2019

YEAR 2018
YEAR 2017
YEAR 2016
YEAR 2015
YEAR 2014
YEAR 2013